Street Food in Alanya

  • 4 min read
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You can find food as you are walking through the streets of Alanya, we aren't talking about restaurants, but the small stands on the pavements. You can find stands everywhere around Alanya, all of which have their speciality. All of which are located in different areas of Alanya.

Alanya is a beautiful city located in the Mediterranean region on the south side of Turkey. The city is 154 kilometres away from the Antalya province and estimated to have a population of 300.000 people. In the summer season, this number goes up four times than the numbers counted in the winter. Even though the city has the necessary foundations and a self-sufficient, there is a rich history within the city, and you can see it through its streets and buildings. Turkish people are generally friendly and would love to help you if you have anything to ask and need. If compared with Alanya's locals and the others in general, Alanya locals are warmer hearted and open-minded. Because throughout the years,the number of foreigners visiting the city are making the people in general more hospitable. Alanya has one of the shores on the planet, making it one of the hotspots to see on the list of places to visit.

Alanya offers many facilities such as restaurants, a vibrant nightlife, bars, parks, sports centres, outdoor sports areas, colourful and vibrant bazaars, museums and long walking paths near the beach. Perhaps you are looking for a more natural vibe, such as hiking and mountain biking near the mountains near Alanya, sunbathing the Cleopatra beach and public beach, scuba diving in the rich Mediterranean sea or perhaps sightseeing the ruins that remain in the city.

Similar to most people, Turkish people love to eat. Because of this passion, Turkey has become a country with an abundant number of recipes. Maybe you have heard of some of them before. The famous Turkish kebab, Turkish delight and baklava. There are many more mouth-watering delights, but these were the ones that made their name throughout the world. In Alanya, you can find most of these cuisines where they are made. If you speak to the right people, you can find the best places that make these dishes. We have noticed that foreign people think any restaurant in Turkey makes all these foods and they are partially correct. Yes, they might make the dish you are looking for, but you might not get the best experience. Similar in other countries there are restaurants which specialise in certain foods. You can even try some local food as mountain mushroom sautes, shepit, bumbar, cooked ulubu (plain or with tomato sauce) and more.

You can find food as you are walking through the streets of Alanya, we aren't talking about restaurants, but the small stands on the pavements. You can find stands everywhere around Alanya, all of which have their speciality. There are some stands which are shaped like an orange. These stands are rented and always inspected by the government. If you find one, you can have a nice glass of fresh fruit juices and small snacks. Other stands are located within the harbour. They sell grilled or boiled milk corn. Lastly, the most famous one is the simit (Turkish pretzel) stands. We recommend you to buy them either in the morning around 8-9 o'clock or in the afternoon at 1-2 o'clock because they bring fresh ones during these hours. These stands are mostly everywhere in Alanya, and they are not hard to find. You can have the simits plain, with chocolate spread or with cream cheese.