The Alanya Train

  • 4 min read
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The City Tour Train is an alternative form of transportation in Alanya. The idea started in 2013 and has been very successful. There are 2 different trains used on the tour, one is a car which looks like a train and the other is a specially made vehicle which looks exactly like a train.

The City Tour Train is an alternative form of transportation in Alanya. The idea started in 2013 and has been very successful. There are 2 different trains used on the tour, one is a car which looks like a train and the other is a specially made vehicle which looks exactly like a train.

They both depart near the Red Tower. For those who are interested in the tour and want to experience the whole trip, they must go to the end of the harbour to get on the train. As well as the city tour, it can also be used for transportation to your hotel, wedding parties and special occasions or events.

Usually, the tour is every half an hour, and lasts about 50 minutes ,it goes around many parts of the city of Alanya, those who want to depart the train before its final destination can get off at certain drop off points. The train has led lights, music system, LCD television, leather seats, handicapped ramp and many more advanced features in both of its wagons.