Antalya Museum

  • 4 min read
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Antalya has been the host for hundreds of years for many settlements and civilisations. The ancient ruins and many historical places still in use prove that the city offers a wide variety of beauties for history enthusiasts.

Antalya has been the host for hundreds of years for many settlements and civilisations. The ancient ruins and many historical places still in use prove that the city offers a wide variety of beauties for history enthusiasts. For a cultural and historical trip in Antalya there are many locations you must visit such as the old town. These places offer the taste of history mixed with the modern age.

Another location you need to see for the history of Antalya is the Antalya Museum. There are many artefacts there representing a rich collection of civilisations Antalya hosted. The museum has a beautiful collection from the Lower Paleolithic to the Roman Period which is the oldest settlement in Anatolia. Also, there is another ethnographic collection reflecting Ottoman culture in Anatolia.

The Antalya Museum was established in Alaeddin Mosque in 1922, then moved to today’s location in 1972. The museum has 13 showrooms, a children’s section and open-air galleries. All the artefacts displayed are from local ruins. There are natural history and prehistoric collections, sculptures of gods and emperors, artifacts belonging to tombs, old coins, mosaics and icons, and ethnography pieces. The museum received the Special Award of European Council in 1988.

The museum is open seven days a week from 08.30 a.m. to 07.00 p.m., between the dates of 1st of April and 1st of October. From 1st October to 1st April it is open from 08.30 a.m. to 06.00 p.m. 7 days a week. The entrance fee is 36 Turkish Lira.