Antalya State Ballet

  • 4 min read
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The ballet itself was beautifully choregraphed in a modern rendition of this classic love story

This week I was lucky enough to obtain tickets to see the ballet in the Opera and Ballet House in Antalya. It wasa modern rendition of Romeo and Juliet.

A group of us went with a tour group, of which there are many in Alanya. Whilst it is definitely cheaper to get to Antalya under your own steam, going with a group takes the worry of finding the place, driving (never easy on the D400 or Turkey in general!) and then returning very late at night, away. 

The Antalya State Opera and Ballet House is a fairly modern looking building built in 1999. I was very impressed with the local restrictions in place due to the pandemic. Masks were required to be worn during the ballet and we had to all show our vaccination passports at the entrance. 

We had amazing seats right at the front! The ballet itself was beautifully choregraphed in a modern rendition of this classic love story. The mise en scene (scenery, lighting, music etc) was spectacular and really helped set the scene to 14th century Verona. Probably my only criticism was that some of the ballet dancers seemed a little old to be portraying their roles! That said the Prima ballerina was absolutely fantastic. Her portayal of the love struck Juliet, hit all the right spots and her timing was impeccable.

Would I go again? Absolutely! I know that next week there is The Barber of Seville playing there. I think many expats feel that this area of Turkey is lacking in culture and the arts and I can 100% refute this. You just have to look for it to be advertised on local Facebook groups or join an expat FB group. 

Summerhomes are also able to help in this regard and would be happy to be of service to its many customers.