How to avoid high season prices

  • 4 min read
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Turkish hospitality is fantastic and often you will be offered free fruit or tea

How to avoid high-season prices

As the temperature rises in Turkey, so do the prices. Restaurants, markets and other businesses often tend to hike their prices up ready for the incoming Dollars and Euros. In the headlines recently, it was reported that Bill Gates spent a staggering $10,000 dollars on lunch in Bodrum. Now it’s highly unlikely that your average mezze plate or fresh fish is going to cost that much but it’s also useful to be savvy when it comes to money.

Avoid using foreign currency

Now the easiest way to avoid over-priced goods is to use the Turkish currency, Turkish Lira. If you see a restaurant where the menu is priced in a different currency then you can quickly move on to another establishment. These ‘tourist traps are overpriced because they use Dollars or Euros. The traditional restaurants that Turks or expats use are always priced in Lira and are very reasonably priced.

Find out the price first

Another sure way to not be over-charged is to find out how much something costs first. Whether it’s bread in a restaurant or a handbag in a market always check first. Generally, the Turkish hospitality is fantastic and often you will be offered free fruit or tea in many restaurants, but it’s always wise to check first if they are actually complementary or you will pay a hefty bill at the end!

Always check your bill and receipts

This is an obvious one but sometimes we can all shove the small receipt to the bottom of the bag and forget to check it (whether we are home or abroad). However, it would be wise to check your receipts before leaving the particular establishment just in case!


Sunbeds have caused a lot of controversies this summer with inflation rates being so high, the price of renting a sunbed has rather hit the roof. It was reported that in some areas the price of a sunbed rental was $100 for the day! This is quite ridiculous. A little bit of looking around and comparing can eliminate these costs as most beaches offer free sunbeds when you buy a drink or possibly even eat at the establishment. This means you can spend the whole day relaxing without having to worry about a major cost!

Turkey is a wonderful place to visit on holiday or to set up your home for the future so take these savvy money tips and enjoy yourself to the max.