Do I need a visa to Turkey?

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Do you need a visa to Turkey? Citizens of the Russian Federation do not need a visa to Turkey if their stay in the country does not exceed 60 days.

Turkey is a frequently visited country and a holiday destination for most of the tourists from Russia. When planning a trip, travellers should know if a visa to Turkey is required. Russians are allowed visa-free travel, but there are special requirements that should be considered.

Turkey is a popular choice for Russian and European tourists.

Is a visa required to travel to Turkey for Russian citizens?

Russians are allowed to stay in the country for 60 days without a visa. They can extend their stay by leaving the country.

The time spent in Turkey cannot exceed 90 out of 180 days in total.

Conditions of entry and stay for Russians

To enter Turkey, you need a foreign passport that meets the requirements of this state.

Passport requirements

The validity of the passport is 4 months from the date of the start of the trip. Children from 14 years old are required to have their own passport. Children over 6 years old, enter the country on parents' passport (mother or father) must have their photographs pasted.

Passport requirements
You must have a valid international passport.

Entry options

You can enter Turkey with a visa, without it, or receive a document upon arrival. For Russian citizens, only 2 options are possible: visa-free entry or preliminary visa processing.

Visa regime

An entry permit for a long-term stay of Russians is issued at the consulate or through Russia Visa Application Centre The latter option is more convenient for the applicant, because its documents are preliminary checked by the specialists of the Centre for completeness and correctness of filling.

Visa-free regime

When crossing the border, the traveller, at the request of the border authorities of Turkey, must be ready to present:

  • hotel voucher (or provide the address of the inviting place);
  • return ticket;
  • medical policy.

The requirement to present these documents rarely arises, the reason may be inappropriate human behavior or random check.

Visa upon arrival

For Russians, it is impossible to obtain a visa upon arrival if the stay exceeds 60 days (90 - when crossing the border or extending the stay), a visa is issued.

Visa upon arrival
A visa upon arrival gives the right to multiple entries within 2 months.

Varieties of Turkish visas

Types of visas:

  • working;
  • tourist;
  • student;
  • business;
  • guest;
  • for the bride;
  • for the transportation of goods.


Such a visa is issued by countries belonging to the Schengen area. It is a single document that permits the countries of the agreement.

Turkey is not a Schengen country.

Turkey is not a member of the European Union (although negotiations have been under way since 2005) and is not a Schengen country. Therefore, you cannot enter Turkey via Schengen.


To work in the country, you need a work visa, it is issued for 1 year, unless other conditions are specified in the contract.

A Turkish company can hire foreign citizens if the following conditions are met:

  • the number of local employees must be at least 5 people (depending on the type of organization);
  • the salary of a foreign citizen must not exceed the salary of a local resident.


For trips exceeding 60 days, a visa is issued. Even when buying a ticket through tour operators, travelers independently apply for a visa. Operators provide a set of documents for filing.

If you are in Turkey for more than 60 days, a visa is issued.


Foreigners studying in Turkey receive a student visa. The Turkish consulate requires an invitation from an educational institution, an agreement and a receipt for tuition fees.


To obtain a visa for the purpose of participating in business events, an invitation from the other party is required.


Such a visa is intended for visiting relatives and friends. It is drawn up in the presence of an invitation from the receiving party, confirmed by a notary.

A visitor visa is required to visit relatives.

Bride's visa

To register a marriage, a marriage visa is issued. This is a permit for the entry of Russian persons planning to marry a Turk / Turkish woman. The documents include an invitation from a notary and a copy of the ID-card of a resident of the state.

Carriage of goods

When carrying out cargo transportation by road, the applicant provides a copy of the driver's license and the concluded agreement between the companies for the provision of transportation services.

Registration instructions

An entry permit is issued in accordance with the established rules.

Visa processing procedure

The procedure for the applicant:

  • collect documents;
  • sign up for a visa center or consulate;
  • submit an application;
  • get a passport with a visa (or refusal).
Visa processing procedure
To obtain a visa, you need to collect documents and apply.

List of documents

An applicant for an exit permit shall submit:

  • a questionnaire;
  • a copy of the national passport;
  • original and copy of a new or old foreign passport;
  • photographs taken in accordance with visa regulations;
  • medical insurance;
  • confirmation of employment or bank statement;
  • documents on payment of duties;
  • hotel voucher or invitation, contract, etc. (depends on the type of visa).

Medical insurance

Medical insurance is an important document when travelling, especially overseas. It provides travellers with medical care for illness and injury in another country. Health care services in Turkey are paid.

If you have a policy, the traveller is paid for medical assistance and associated transportation costs.

It is recommended to take out extended insurance with maximum monetary coverage, as well as including exacerbation of chronic diseases, complications of pregnancy, allergies, dentistry, sunburn, etc. Although extended policies are more expensive, you get more types of assistance when needed. Insurance companies provide an opportunity to choose the optimal program for you.

Medical insurance
Medical insurance is a form of social protection of interests.

When buying a tour from a tour operator or their agent, medical insurance will be included in the package of documents. You can also buy a policy yourself from an insurance company or agency.

Filing an application

The application is submitted by appointment personally by the applicant. You need to have a completed application form, a set of necessary documents and a receipt for payment of the duty with you.

Features of visa processing for children

Children under 14, when drawing up documents on them, it should be borne in mind that additional certificates will be needed.

Documents for children

In addition to the general set, children are provided with:

  • birth certificate;
  • notarized consent to leave from parents.

Visa-free residence permit in Turkey

There is a special regime - a visa-free residence permit. If the tourist is 60 days short, you can apply for the possibility of additional residence for 1 month in the country. To obtain a residence permit, you will need an application, passport, photographs and other documents.

Visa processing cost and terms

The price of tourist, business, visitor, study and marriage visa fee is $ 50, for other types the cost may vary.

The cost
The cost of a visa is $ 50.

The applicant has the right to apply 90 days before the start of the trip.

The processing time is up to 60 days, it depends on the workload of the Turkish Consulate.

Terms of validity

Long-term visa to Turkey is valid from 6 months to 1 year.

Fines for violation of the visa regime

The severity of the sanctions depends on the duration of the violation of stay in the country:

  • up to 15 days - 165 TL;
  • over 15 days - from 285 TL and from 30 days of inability to enter.

It is recommended not to violate the rules of stay in Turkey. Whatever the reason for the delayed departure from the country, the violator will face consequences according to the law.


Reasons for refusal

The applicant may be refused:

  • in the absence of the necessary documents;
  • incorrect expiration date of the passport;
  • there is a ban on visiting Turkey.

Official addresses of the Consulate of Turkey in the Russian Federation

Consulates General of Turkey:

  • in Moscow: 7th Rostovsky lane, 12;
  • in St. Petersburg: 7th Sovetskaya street, 24;
  • in Kazan: st. Gorky, d, 23/27;
  • in Novorossiysk: st. Svobody, d. 73.

You can contant Consulates through offical websites.