Rent in Style

  • 4 min read
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You’ve saved your money, you’ve decided on a location, you've decided to rent a property as opposed to a hotel stay...what next?

What should be considered when renting a Summer house? 

You’ve saved your money, you’ve decided on a location, you've decided to rent a property as opposed to a hotel stay...what next? Well, this blog will help you make those all-important decisions feel much easier. Just follow this guide for a hassle-free holiday. 

One of the types of accommodation that those who want to take a summer holiday vacation can choose is to rent a summer house or apartment. Summer houses offer a comfortable holiday opportunity because of the availability of dedicated kitchen areas, living rooms and the necessary fixtures and fittings.  

Evaluate your requirements 

Summer houses can be rented for a short period of time, such as weekly, or seasonally for longer stays. For longer stays such as monthly or seasonal, investigate which white goods are included and how well the kitchen is equipped for crockery and utensils. Check how many bedrooms and bathrooms there are and the configuration of beds in each room. If it’s a particularly hot location, does it also have air-condition?  

Set your budget 

Although there are many options in popular holiday destinations, some criteria can be kept flexible in order to find a budget-friendly summer house. Don’t be put off by choosing properties that are slightly inland especially if transport links are good. This can enable you to have a quieter and more economical holiday. You can also find that properties tend to be slightly larger if you choose inland locations. Do you intend to rent a car or rely on buses and taxis?

Location, location, location! 

We all have differing holiday requirements so it’s important to evaluate your location. Do you want a seaside holiday or to be immersed in nature? Maybe archaeological or heritage sites are a priority? Are you a party person or prefer solitude? All of these things need to be taken into consideration when choosing your holiday rental. Carefully research what amenities are nearby especially if your budget doesn’t extend to renting a car! How far away is your nearest airport? Do you mind a longer transfer to avoid being in the flight path?  

Don’t wait too long! 

Research identifies that 24.73% of people book their summer holiday between 4 and 6 months in advance and a whopping 28.27% of people book their holiday between 7 and 12 months in advance. So don’t delay! Booking last minute may severely reduce your choices. 

Read the rental agreement 

The rights and responsibilities of the person renting a summer house are specified in the contract signed between the parties. It is useful to read this contract carefully in order not to encounter any problems during your stay at the summer house. The statements in the contract should be read on issues such as the right to have a pet, whether the real estate owner can terminate the contract in case of excessive noise, or whether there is a right of withdrawal after renting the house. 

If you follow the guide then really all that’s left is to make sure you pack your essentials and have a really great time.